Yeah, my sleep is improving. Progress on the comic is slow... slooooow. At least I kind of drew a color sketch for the main character. Abd I tried to ink some test sketches... oh, the horror. I like inking, but scanning is a nightmare. Fine lines turn chunkyuglyomgwhatdididooooo and using those inks to paint is simply impossible. It's not a question of personal preferences, it just won't do. Perhaps I just don't know how to prepare lineart for coloring,I've been struggling with that problem for years and it's one of the reasons I turned to digital art.
Anyway, here is the first color-thingy. Used a Ryan reynolds photo as reference - he is the face model for the character anyway, so yeah. Maybe I can find a solution for my ink-scanning-problem later.
Nice color sketch! :) Vielleicht kann dir das neue Wacom Inkling bei diesem Problem helfen? Hab es aber selber nicht und kann dazu keine Erfahrung weiter geben.
AntwortenLöschenI like that design and would love to see more of the comic!
AntwortenLöschenI had problems with le inking and le scanning for years as well. I think, that a big part of the problem is the scanner itsself. When I got a new printer, it was not avoidable for it to also have a scanner. Just for fun I tested this scanner as well and now am twice as happy about my real scanner. IF you like, we could test out my scanner when you come to visit... OH YES! come to visit again!! : )
Maybe it's just your scanner.
But Pencils suck at my scanner as well : /